Hey everyone!
I just put out a new game TEXT 'N' DRIVE which @Fanamel did the art for!
I'm also using some @ninjamuffin99 beats for the BGM like I did in my previous game RISE 'N' GRIND.
Pro tip / SPOILER!!!
If you're having too much trouble avoiding traffic you can cheese it and just sit between lanes. I left this in intentionally for you medal munchers out there.
If you haven't wishlisted Blue Boy: Bleeding Out yet, now's the perfect time. It's available on Steam and itch.io and will be on sale during Halloween. Why? Because it was originally a game I made here on NG for Halloween 2019 before recruiting @Luis and @lokimiah to help with the art and audio for the revamped version. Feels like a sale is appropriate, make sure to cop it!.